Week in the Life 2018 | Saturday Words + Photos

Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

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10:17 am // After our late night, it only makes sense that we slept way in. I’m not even sorry about it because it was the most amazing sleep of my life.

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12:23 pm // Grocery trips and errands typically happen on Saturday mornings and this one was no different. We stopped at Chickfila for lunch beforehand so we could be fully prepared for all the shopping in store.

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12:56 pm // “Am I also doing a week in the life?” – Kevin


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2:17 pm // Gas and a little windshield cleaning before heading home for a much needed nap. I wish I was joking.

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5:54 pm // We invited a friend over for burgers on the grill before a movie. Kevin’s becoming a grill expert and I’m not complaining. One of my favorite things about Kevin is the way he serves his friends and family through hospitality and yummy food.

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6:05 pm // Who can argue with that?! YUM!

I’ll be sharing photos like these every day this week in conjunction with Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project. Thanks for stopping by!

Week in the Life 2018 | Friday Words + Photos

Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

Friday is the best day, however, I really started slacking on photos. This project really starts to take a toll on you after a couple days, but I really want to finish strong. Hopefully tomorrow will turn out a little better.

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7:40 am // Running a bit behind today, so why not invite the pup up on the bed (she sleeps in a Serta Perfect Sleeper Dog Bed on the floor) for some cuddles. Love all of our feet in this picture.

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7:46 am // Roaming the backyard and scoping out the baby grass in that back corner. We just seeded and it’s finally starting to poke through the hay.

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7:50 am // She takes up her normal spot next to me on the bed while I continue to go through my morning routine.

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7:51 am // This is the first time I caught a photo this week, but I’m reading and studying one chapter a week with my friend Danielle. This week was Philippians 2.

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8:30 am // Last year I started using essential oils and I’m a fan. Opened my DoTERRA box this morning to a couple new goodies for my repertoire.

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7:00 pm // Grabbed dinner out with the hubby after work (which I forgot to document) but I found these when I got back. I swear they grew overnight. Peonies are my absolute favorite and I’m dying for them to open up.

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9:33 pm // Kevin had plans in the evening, so I uploaded some photos for my blog and did some research for a vacation for the two of us. We ended up booking a little last minute trip to Vegas at 1 o’clock in the morning. WHO ARE WE?

I’ll be sharing photos like these every day this week in conjunction with Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project. Thanks for stopping by!

Week in the Life 2018 | Thursday Words + Photos

Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

Goodness gracious, do I have a lot to be thankful for. Here are just a few photos from Thursday.

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7:13 am // I’m thankful for this sweet house and a place for Chloe. I hope I never forget the days I stood in the rain with her at the apartment after I had already done my hair for the day.

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7:35 am // I’m thankful for beautiful light spilling through our windows, especially after a particularly dreary winter.

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3:45 pm // I’m thankful for an awesome place to work (and I’m not just talking about when we have events like this one). I’m thankful that my passion for serving people and my career are colliding on a daily basis; it’s hard work but it’s always worth it. I’m thankful for a company that is always improving and that challenges me to do the same in all aspects of my life.

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3:59 pm // I’m thankful for free food (always).

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7:04 pm // I’m thankful for sunsets, hammocks, and giggling with my favorite guy.

Week in the Life 2018 | Wednesday Words + Photos

Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

With a little inspiration from Ali on Instagram, I went throughout my day thinking about the lens of savoring moments in my day. Sometimes it’s hard to complete this project when life feels the same day in and day out, but I love the patterns and routines. That’s what I’m trying to capture here.

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7:46 am // Savoring morning routines and the feeling of not having to make new decisions each day.  I have been keeping a very basic version of a capsule wardrobe and it’s really narrowed down the time it takes me to get ready in the morning. If I shower in the morning, I always diffuse my hair for a bit so I’m not arriving to work with a wet head.

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8:02 am // Not really savoring much here – ha! I walked out the front door for work and saw that my lemon grass and some flowers were dug up by a squirrel.

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2:03 pm // Savoring a clean space at work and a to-do list with lots of checked boxes. Today felt good.

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4:32 pm // Savoring the excitement of gettin home a early and laying out back in the sunshine.

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6:04 pm // Savoring time serving my sweet friends – tonight I took them salad and a chicken and swiss bake (similar here) that was originally given to me in the family cook book my parents put together for my 21st birthday. They asked family members to complete a recipe card for me and it turned out to be one of my all-time favorite gifts. I’ve added more cards of my own over the years and it’s what I use to make my meal plans on a regular basis.

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7:24 pm // Savoring this beautiful sunset by stopping in the middle of the road in front of our house. I absolutely love the size of the trees in our neighborhood and the way the sunlight peeks through as it disappears for the day.

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7:44 pm // Savoring moments like this while the weather is perfect for front porch sitting. Kevin went for a run so Chloe and I greeted him here when he arrived home.

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8:36 pm // Savoring time to catch up on some reading. I currently have 4 books going – Great at Work, Ruth’s Journey, Capturing Light, and The Road Back to You. This one is Great at Work and I chose to read it this evening because I had a book club that was discussing it the next morning. Over the past two years, i’ve read more books than I’ve ever been able to and I’m just soaking in every moment.

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11:05 pm // Savoring this sweet girl and her routines. Kevin and I giggle every single night when she shows up in the kitchen to be let outside when he’s in there getting ready for bed.

I’ll be sharing photos like these every day this week in conjunction with Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project. Thanks for stopping by!

Week in the Life 2018 | Tuesday Words + Photos

Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

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7:16am // I want to remember morning sunlight and an intentional start to my day. Pillows are still all over from Chloe trying to get comfortable the night before and every time I try to put them back in place she messes them up again. It’s a never ending battle.

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8:11am // I want to remember food prep, health eating and how good the two of those together make me feel. I want to remember how enamored I felt (and still feel) about our beautiful white sink and the fancy faucet. (I still can’t believe this home is ours.)

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10:12am // I want to remember feeling like a five year old with my feel dangling when I sit in my chair at work. It’s hard to get pictures of my work routine, so I’m looking forward to documenting my weekend days.

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3:12pm // I want to remember the significance of simple things like having a wireless mouse and two monitors for my computer. They all go a long way in making my day just a little bit easier.

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5:13pm // I want to remember going to the gym, when I didn’t want to and promising myself that tomorrow would be a rest day. I’m thankful to get a free gym membership through my work that gives me access to everything I could ever want – and it’s just 2 minutes from our house.

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5:50 pm // I want to remember these conversations and catching up on our day before dinner is ready. Today was the Google IO event and he had lots of things to show me. Being together at this table is so important to me. It may have dings and dents but it’s my favorite place to gather. Some of my absolute favorite memories (and inside jokes with my brother) happened around my parent’s kitchen table at dinnertime.

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6:19pm // I want to remember things we’ve watched and the recent decision to add a TV to our living room. We’ve made a habit of watching “Doc” on Twitch in the evenings recently. He’s a hoot!

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6:35pm // I want to remember simple dinners and breaking the expectations I put on myself to have hot meals ready at 5:30pm every evening. Tonight was salad with baked chicken.

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8:55pm // I want to remember tonight’s change in plans as a welcomed sign that I should take the evening slow. Chloe and I cuddled on the couch as I read and worked on a blog post.

I’ll be sharing photos like these every day this week in conjunction with Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project. Thanks for stopping by!