Week in the Life 2022 | Sunday

I almost didn’t even bother posting this, but instead I’m just going to keep it real. Callahan being under the weather and sleeping poorly meant that I wasn’t as focused taking photos for the day. We stayed at home and tried to relax a bit – something we are both learning how to do.

As we wrap up the week of photos and words, I would just encourage you to take photos of the day-to-day, the things that feel mundane, and the routines. It truly is so worthwhile when you look back through photos a few years from now. If you want to look back through other Week in the Life installments I’ve posted, you can do that here.

8:58 AM // Another morning, another breakfast shot. There are so many things I love about this house. The lighting and floors are *chef’s kiss*.

9:56 PM // More Bluey and trying to help him relax. You’d have no idea he is sick!

4:40 PM // The sun is setting and we had beautiful light pouring into our house. Kev was out running errands and grabbing food for the week. Super thankful to be tag-teaming all the things.

9:59 PM // Stayed up late Marco Poloing with Taylor and Sarah. I had this ceramic tree (that brings back lots of memories from childhood Christmases) all lit up. Even though I said we’re not putting up Christmas for a few weeks, it’s still sweet to have a little hint at the excitement of the holiday season. I just know it’s going to be so fun watching Callahan experience all the joy.

Thank you for following along on this journey!

Week in the Life 2022 | Saturday

8:29 AM // Breakfast with the whole fam. It’s a bit later today because we slept in more than we can on week days.

9:33 AM // First snow of the season. This was really the only way I could take a picture of snow and actually capture a flurry.

10:15 AM // Callahan is really into bubbles right now. When we past these iridescent ornaments in Hobby Lobby he pointed and shouted “BUBBLES!!!” So we got a few for our tree that we are still probably a few weeks out from putting up.

10:42 AM // I mean, McDonald’s DOES diet coke. Yes, I got three for the two of us. No shame in my LDC game.

11:06 AM // Peekaboo is a favorite game these days. I’m obsessed.

11:24 AM // The best toys are at the bottom of the basket.

3:28 PM // Saturday OOTD vibes.

6:37 PM // Quintessential dinner table with a toddler shot.

7:00 PM // We use our Google Nest to listen to music 24/7. Kevin turned on Christmas music for the first time this year but my current go-to is Taylor Swift’s new Midnights album.

2:51 AM // Technically it’s Sunday, but it feels right to add it here. Callahan started feeling a bit under the weather and I woke up to him coughing in the middle of the night through the monitor. Just wanted to capture this real life in this season.

Week in the Life 2022 | Friday

Friday is here! And it’s Veteran’s Day. I saw this on Hallmark’s Instagram and it sums up exactly how I feel about the day.

7:12 AM // These girls wait *SooOoo patiently* for us to get up and feed them in the morning. Counted 5 yawns in my face before I rolled out of bed.

7:23 AM // I washed my hair yesterday evening, so the only reasonable plan is to straighten it. For as curly as my hair is, I’m thankful that this only takes about 20 minutes. Kevin was feeding Callahan in the meantime so we could still make it to daycare on time.


5:11 PM // I picked up Callahan and Kevin picked up Flat Branch for dinner. All the praise hands for no cooking on a Friday.

6:11 PM // Play time! Willow was licking Kevin, he doesn’t have her in a choke hold. LOLOL

7: 09 PM // We ended up turning on Bluey to wrap up our evening. It’s the only kids show I’m remotely cool with watching.

8:08 PM // Early to bed. I am listening to Maybe Now by Colleen Hoover on audiobook so I listened that curled up next to the pups.

Here’s to a great weekend!

Week in the Life 2022 | Thursday

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I love this project. I love capturing the “mundane” and the day to day because it’s what makes up life! It’s so easy to forget tiny details and moments and what felt like a priority in different seasons. Doing life with Kevin, our family, my job – it all looks pretty different different than it did the last time I participated in Week in the Life. It’s so sweet to be able to use these photos and words to reminisce on the sweetness of this life and the growth that has happened year after year.

7:23 AM // These dogs are the first ones up most mornings, ready for food yet here they are not even a half an hour later snuggled back into OUR bed. As a side note, we got new side tables (which replaced ones I made for us right before we got married) and I am OBSESSED with how clean they look. The other ones had an opening, but no drawer so you could see all of our stuff at all times. I think this is so much sleeker and minimal looking.

7:38 AM // Cheerios for the boy as part of his breakfast. Notice who got out of bed when the cheerios came out.

8:00 AM // Got his shoes on and now it’s my turn. We talk, sing, and make faces – mornings are the absolute sweetest.

8:22 AM // THE SKY.

4:19 PM // Took zero pictures during the workday today. Snapped this one as I was getting in my car – all the necessities (computer, notebook, and planner) all in one picture. Also I’m a huge fan of my Portland Leather Goods Medium Crossbody. This was a late night purchase while I was feeding Callahan almost a year ago (there were lots of those…whoops) and it’s easily one of the best bags I’ve ever had.

4:50 PM // I got home right before Kevin left to pick up Callahan. I told him I was going to start on leaves in the backyard before it rains tonight so he started leaf blowing while I was bagging. We make a pretty good team. I definitely didn’t think about how I’d do chores like this with a baby – but tag teaming it is just one way we make it work!

5:52 PM // Tacos for dinner! This is Callahan’s plate – don’t worry, he didn’t get any full blue berries.

7:01 PM // It was a rough nap day, so we started the bedtime routine a little earlier than normal. We read a few books including this one – Honey Bear, I’m Grateful for You by Slumberkins. He has the lovey to go with it and it’s all about gratitude, which is just precious.

8:20 PM // After bedtime, we wrapped up all the leaves from the backyard – there were 15 bags total. Which means I’m pooped and it’s time for a shower, hanging on the couch, and bed.

Hope you had a great Thursday!

Week in the Life 2022 | Wednesday

Today was such a wonderful and low-key day, but I dropped the ball on photos! Here are just a few from my day.

6:32 AM // Early morning vibes – feeding the dogs and getting ready for the day before Callahan wakes up. Even though daylight savings ending is a bit *meh*, it’s lovely to wake up to pretty light streaming through the windows.

7:40 AM // It’s uncharacteristically warm for this time of year, so the dogs are trying to stay outside as long as they can. I am so thankful for this space where they get to run around and we don’t have to micromanage their every move…though we probably could get to work on micromanaging those leaves.

2:02 PM // We work right next to a movie theater and today someone bought a bucket of popcorn for us to share. Here’s my little mid-afternoon pick me up to get me through the rest of the day.

4:55 PM // The most beautiful sunset leaving work. WOW.

6:02 PM // Dinner was just Callahan and I tonight, so we had chicken pot pie leftovers. It’s funny the things that Callahan decides that he loves that he may have picked out yesterday. Today it was carrots so I went back in and dug the carrots out of the rest of the pie. I’m sure Kevin won’t mind.

7:02 PM // Bath time for our boy (he’s hiding behind the towel). He requested bubbles and played with his toys and it was my favorite part of the entire day.

7:46 PM // Post-bed time treat. We live near a DQ and today this just had to happen. I went with a cheesecake blizzard but have major regrets because it was basically vanilla ice cream with just 2-3 pieces of cheesecake. What a rip off.

9:09 PM // Right now I’m watching YouTube (Natalie Bennett and The Minimal Mom) and wrapping up this blog post. It’s 70 degrees so we have all our windows open. I absolutely refuse to turn the air on when it’s supposed to get down in the 20s in 2 days. I’m hoping to wind down a bit earlier than normal since we’ve been waking up early this week.

Hope you are having a great week!

Week in the Life 2022 | Tuesday

Tuesday is in the books and I’m excited to share these words and photos. It’s fun to do this for an entire week because once I get in the routine of taking the photos, I start to get more creative. Today I included more photos of myself than yesterday. It’s a reminder that there is always more to capture, ya just gotta look for different angles and lenses to see your life through.

6:20 AM // Ope, the end of daylight savings strikes again. He ended up falling back asleep for a bit, but I was already up.

6:55 AM // Quick selfie in the mirror with Kevin after getting ready for the day. I am thankful every single day to get to do life with him.

On a completely separate note, I definitely take for granted that I can wear casual clothes to work. This is my current favorite zip up jacket from Old Navy, and reminds me of the Scuba jacket from Lululemon.

7:14 AM // A little morning meal prep for me and Callahan. Another salad for me and some chicken, pasta and carrots for him.

7:21 AM // Part of our regular rhythms around here include washing the dishes every night and unloading in the morning. It’s been a game changer on keeping our inventory of kid cups and containers to a minimum even with all the meal prep we’re doing.

7:50 AM // The only place the dogs stand in the mornings. *eyeroll*

8:10 AM // Snapped a quick photo of myself after dropping Callahan off at daycare. He freaking loves that place and I love my job, but most mornings feel bittersweet.

8:29 AM // ELECTION DAY! Stopped by my polling place on my way in to the office. Since I’ve been old enough to vote, I’ve never had to wait in line for longer than ten minutes and today was no exception. Walked right up, got my ballot, filled it out, submitted it and got my sticker.

12:35 PM // Another salad with rotisserie chicken. I love how easy (and tasty!) this meal is.

2:18 PM // Working away. I can’t share a lot of the day-to-day, so here’s a photo of me doin’ my thing. Huge fan of to-do lists and all the things to keep me on track.

5:37 PM // Kevin had to work a little later than normal, so I picked Callahan up from daycare. I started making dinner so we pulled his highchair into the kitchen. He colored a picture, played with a spatula, and watched as I gave him a play-by-play on how to make a chicken pot pie. It was my first time making it (and without a recipe) so I wasn’t even sure if I was giving him the right instructions.

6:14 PM // Praise! Turned out great and the whole family loved it. Callahan added a few blue berries (those and raspberries are his faves right now) and I added a spiced cranberry sprite. One of the best holiday/limited edition treats.

7:05 PM // Dancing, running, throwing balls. We don’t get a lot of play time in the evenings so we make the most of it by moving non-stop.

8:01 PM // Working on a Christmas project tonight that required sanding and staining. The color looks fine here, but I’m not as keen on it in person. We’ll see how it dries and I’ll decide if I want to change the color to something different later this week. I chatted with my mom right after this to catch up on the day and then started watching election coverage (I secretly kind of love it).

Thanks for following along! See ya back here tomorrow for another installment.