I almost didn’t even bother posting this, but instead I’m just going to keep it real. Callahan being under the weather and sleeping poorly meant that I wasn’t as focused taking photos for the day. We stayed at home and tried to relax a bit – something we are both learning how to do.

As we wrap up the week of photos and words, I would just encourage you to take photos of the day-to-day, the things that feel mundane, and the routines. It truly is so worthwhile when you look back through photos a few years from now. If you want to look back through other Week in the Life installments I’ve posted, you can do that here.

8:58 AM // Another morning, another breakfast shot. There are so many things I love about this house. The lighting and floors are *chef’s kiss*.

9:56 PM // More Bluey and trying to help him relax. You’d have no idea he is sick!

4:40 PM // The sun is setting and we had beautiful light pouring into our house. Kev was out running errands and grabbing food for the week. Super thankful to be tag-teaming all the things.

9:59 PM // Stayed up late Marco Poloing with Taylor and Sarah. I had this ceramic tree (that brings back lots of memories from childhood Christmases) all lit up. Even though I said we’re not putting up Christmas for a few weeks, it’s still sweet to have a little hint at the excitement of the holiday season. I just know it’s going to be so fun watching Callahan experience all the joy.

Thank you for following along on this journey!