Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

10:17 am // After our late night, it only makes sense that we slept way in. I’m not even sorry about it because it was the most amazing sleep of my life.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

12:23 pm // Grocery trips and errands typically happen on Saturday mornings and this one was no different. We stopped at Chickfila for lunch beforehand so we could be fully prepared for all the shopping in store.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

12:56 pm // “Am I also doing a week in the life?” – Kevin


Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

2:17 pm // Gas and a little windshield cleaning before heading home for a much needed nap. I wish I was joking.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

5:54 pm // We invited a friend over for burgers on the grill before a movie. Kevin’s becoming a grill expert and I’m not complaining. One of my favorite things about Kevin is the way he serves his friends and family through hospitality and yummy food.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

6:05 pm // Who can argue with that?! YUM!

I’ll be sharing photos like these every day this week in conjunction with Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project. Thanks for stopping by!