Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

7:16am // I want to remember morning sunlight and an intentional start to my day. Pillows are still all over from Chloe trying to get comfortable the night before and every time I try to put them back in place she messes them up again. It’s a never ending battle.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

8:11am // I want to remember food prep, health eating and how good the two of those together make me feel. I want to remember how enamored I felt (and still feel) about our beautiful white sink and the fancy faucet. (I still can’t believe this home is ours.)

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

10:12am // I want to remember feeling like a five year old with my feel dangling when I sit in my chair at work. It’s hard to get pictures of my work routine, so I’m looking forward to documenting my weekend days.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

3:12pm // I want to remember the significance of simple things like having a wireless mouse and two monitors for my computer. They all go a long way in making my day just a little bit easier.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

5:13pm // I want to remember going to the gym, when I didn’t want to and promising myself that tomorrow would be a rest day. I’m thankful to get a free gym membership through my work that gives me access to everything I could ever want – and it’s just 2 minutes from our house.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

5:50 pm // I want to remember these conversations and catching up on our day before dinner is ready. Today was the Google IO event and he had lots of things to show me. Being together at this table is so important to me. It may have dings and dents but it’s my favorite place to gather. Some of my absolute favorite memories (and inside jokes with my brother) happened around my parent’s kitchen table at dinnertime.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

6:19pm // I want to remember things we’ve watched and the recent decision to add a TV to our living room. We’ve made a habit of watching “Doc” on Twitch in the evenings recently. He’s a hoot!

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

6:35pm // I want to remember simple dinners and breaking the expectations I put on myself to have hot meals ready at 5:30pm every evening. Tonight was salad with baked chicken.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

8:55pm // I want to remember tonight’s change in plans as a welcomed sign that I should take the evening slow. Chloe and I cuddled on the couch as I read and worked on a blog post.

I’ll be sharing photos like these every day this week in conjunction with Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project. Thanks for stopping by!