Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

M O N D A Y     R E F L E C T I O N S:

A few thoughts on today as I went back through my photos.

  1. Monday of this project always starts with such high excitement and expectations and by the end, I feel like I’m just scraping by. This time around, I’m focusing on stories first and finding photos to go with them second. We’ll see how we go.
  2. Even though this is my fourth time participating in Week in the Life, it’s the only one that can be found on my blog right now. After losing all of my photos and lots of blog posts last year, I feel like I am completely starting over. I still have all of these photos in my albums, but it’s really not the same as having them here.
  3. I grabbed quite a few more photos but won’t be sharing them because I wasn’t intentional about the things in the background. I’m hoping to be more aware and really slow down over the next six days.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

7:44 am // Our morning routine is always the same. We live in an older home and the only bathroom on the main floor doesn’t have an outlet. Each day, I get ready in the second bedroom upstairs – which hosts my craft space and an extra twin bed – and this is how I get ready. Chloe always joins me on the bed and I just love that I caught her watching me in the mirror.

Real life is that the quilt on the bed is the one my parents bought me when I was moving away to college, and I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of it because it brings back so many sweet memories.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

8:31 am // Everyday, I see this sweet face when I leave. She’ll sit and watch my car all the way to the end of the street. It’s precious and it makes me want to run back inside and give up on being an adult. Today I left later than normal and still had to stop by the gas station on my way to work. Because I live so close and since we rarely drive my car (we’ve had some issues with it lately) I only have to fill up once a month.

Real life is that I have so many variations of this exact same photo because it brings me so much joy.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

8:38 am // It didn’t take me long at the gas station to realize that I had a wasps nest and wasps behind the fuel door and hanging in front of my gas cap. I drove back home and Kevin managed to get the nest sprayed without any issues. Thankfully, he saved the day on that one. Back to the gas station.

Real life is the love-hate relationship between the pollen on my car and those beautiful trees amidst a clear blue sky.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

5:41 pm // After work, Kevin was meeting up with his brother, Dave, for dinner so I just threw something quick together for myself. Chloe has started doing this thing where she will only eat when we are in the kitchen or sitting down at the dinner table. This was my view of her eating tonight while I ate right alongside her. Feels like a proper family dinner.

Real life is having a hard time sticking to the meal plan for dinners I created over the weekend. I have teetered between planning out the entire month and just planning a week at a time and they are equally as overwhelming.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

7:09 pm // We took a walk and she ended up taking a break mid-way through. She started doing this last year and managed to pick it back up again. I’m not sure if she recognizes that we think it’s funny but I know that she’s not tired because she did it after taking only 10 steps from our driveway the other day. Needless to say, it wasn’t a very long walk that day. Today we managed about 2.5 miles in the lovely 75 degree weather.

Real life is being so incredibly thankful for an amazing trail so close to home. It’s a huge part of the reason that we ended up choosing our house and we are both so glad. Our town has so many great trail systems that are all interconnected, so it’s great for any length of walk or bike ride.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

8:17 pm // I met up with some friends at the gym after my walk which felt like a good supplement to our leisurely pace and a couple breaks.

Real life is hating arms day and loving legs. Tonight I got in some cardio, too! It’s amazing how good my body feels when I’m in the gym consistently.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

11:01pm // As soon as Kevin starts getting ready for bed, Chloe will go to the back door to be let outside.

Real life is starting to worry at 11 o’clock that I won’t get 8 full hours of sleep. We just started using the white noise feature on our google home – we’re convinced it’s the best ever.

I’ll be sharing photos like these every day this week in conjunction with Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life project. Thanks for stopping by!