Week in the Life by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

Thank you so much for following along with my Week in the Life. I just went through my photos of WITL from last year and it reminded me of how it doesn’t seem like anything has changed, but you look back and it’s all different. Hopefully at some point, I’ll be able to go back and re-upload all of the blog posts like this from the past that I’ve lost as a way to compare, but for now, you’ll have to trust me. I love this practice as a way to step back and look creatively at my day to day life. I’m not planning on doing a whole album of these pictures, but I will incorporate them into my Project Life Album for this month.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

8:50 am // Sunday is for chai lattes and church.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

12:07 pm // Sunday is for rewriting church notes and making pretty pages in my journal.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

1:39 pm // Sunday is for spending some time playing with this guy. Laser pointer is especially a favorite today.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

1:58 pm // Sunday is for watering the garden and admiring all of the new buds and blooms on our rose bushes.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

5:15 pm // Sunday is for relaxing.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com

6:57 pm // Sunday is for small group and hanging out with amazing friends.