Whole (n):

1. a thing that is complete in itself

2. all of something

My Intentions

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to create better boundaries and to protect my peace.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to lean on my support system and to ask for help.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to abandon perfection and unreasonable expectations I’ve set for myself.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to care for myself and my family in a way that considers the whole being.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to contentment, ease, and margin.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to have a more intentional mindset.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to take one day at a time.

Cheers to a year of so many good things.