MORE finishing the year soft, LESS finishing the year strong.

MORE embracing the season of dormancy, of slowing down.

MORE snuggles on the couch, LESS planned activities 24/7.

MORE engaging in the magic and the mess, LESS engaging in the expectations.

MORE focus on priorities, but LESS actual priorities.

MORE stops at the playground, LESS stuff to fill up our house.

MORE showing up authentically.

MORE deep conversations and vulnerability, LESS surface level.

MORE sabbath practice.

MORE embracing The And Space.

MORE peace, LESS turbulence.

MORE living in the present, LESS overthinking.

MORE connection, LESS distraction.

MORE delight and awe, LESS going through the motions.

MORE experiences, LESS clutter and things.

MORE deep breaths.

MORE texts, LESS tech.

MORE good books, but MORE of The Good Book.

MORE family hugs, pups included.

What are you hoping to incorporate more and less of in this season?