Some people don’t care much about celebrating birthdays, but I am not one of them. From the get-go my parents really went out of their way to make our birthdays special. Whether it included streamers in the kitchen or a special note in my lunchbox every single year from age one to eighteen on August 20th, we celebrated the same way – my parents invited over all of the family and we spent time eating delicious food, chatting, and opening a few gifts. It was easily my favorite day of the year and holds many fond memories, so instead of choosing just one, I thought I would make a list of some of my favorites.

  • Stories of my smash cake at my first birthday. Apparently, after I had put my hands all in the icing, my family asked me “where is your ear, hair, lips, nose?” until my face was covered in cake. I’ll never live that one down.
  • My 8th birthday when my parents threw me a surprise party and blew up hundreds of pink and purple balloons. I even got Pikachu slippers as a gift from my best friends.
  • Requesting favorite foods for birthday dinner. Mom made my current favorite dinner and vanilla cake with chocolate icing, Nana brought potato salad, Grandma brought jello salad and Great Grandma brought the banana cake. These are still my favorites.
  • Waiting for my grandparents to arrive to birthday dinner. We have photos of me waiting at the window when I was turning 2.
  • My 24th birthday when I decided that I was going to make cheesecakes a tradition.
  • One year when my parent’s house was being built, we were staying at my grandparents and every picture of me was complete with no pants. I also got a Barbie sleeping bag that year.
  • My 18th birthday consisted of a surprise in my high school locker from a Secret Admirer (aka my now husband). It was a sweet note and a bottle of perfume. I still have both.
  • My 25th (and most recent birthday) involved us celebrating a big promotion at work and my sweet friend decorating her house and hosting a game night.
  • My parents going above and beyond every year I’ve been in Columbia by coming up to take us out to lunch! Truly, I am so thankful for that.

Now you know why I couldn’t pick just one – all of my birthday memories bring me so much joy!

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